The universal truths contained in myths, fairy tales and storytelling have long been known to assist in the human healing process. They work with some people because those who listen live the adventures inside themselves. We relate any story we hear to ourselves to determine its significance in our life.

Throughout time and culture, people have told stories about heroes, gods and monsters to explain how the world works and what it means to live a good life. These are ultimately universal stories of personal transformation, which reflect the adventures, trials, and tribulations we all experience in our everyday lives.

When we learn how the hero overcomes their struggles, it inspires and gives us a roadmap for how we can heal from, become stronger and overcome our own inner demons and personal challenges. Jorge Bucay, an acclaimed Argentinian psychotherapist, when asked in an interview: What do stories bring to a person in need of help? He replied: “A wisdom of centuries, the wisdom of others who have passed through this place and solved it in different ways. Telling a story is like saying, look, there’s someone else who found this way out, why don’t you try it?”

Therapeutic metaphor uses comparisons so that one thing is replaced by another thing. When a story involving metaphor is told, the client does not necessarily recognise that solutions in the tale involving the “other thing” indirectly applies to their own situation. Using myths/metaphor can help create an atmosphere for change and help clients see things from a different perspective.

Individual Counselling Sessions

Individual counselling sessions are a time and space for you to explore your feelings. This is a safe space which is tailored to help you solve and sort through the workings of your life.